Embracing organic methods against mealybugs

Sure, all creatures have a place in the giant miraculous web of life. Yet, I’m not really sure who invited mealybugs to the party. The mealybugs pressure has been incredibly high this spring and I am over it.

There are organic several methods that I have tried with varying degrees of effectiveness:

  • Manual removal- I cut out leaves that had mealybugs on them and out those leaves in the trash.

  • Insecticidal soap- I mixed insecticidal soap w water and spray the bejeezus out of the mealybugs.

  • Removing an entire plant- when the whole plant is beyond help, I just put the whole plant in the trash.

    All of the above methods certainly helped slow down the mealybugs, but not enough. This led me to a new route…

Meet the mealybug destroyers. They’re a kind of beetle and as their name implies, they eat mealybugs! I ordered 100 and they were shipped overnight. We released them at dusk and they immediately got to work.

Here’s hoping that the mealybug destroyers help restore balance in my garden!

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